Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Jane Goodall
"every individual matters. every individual has a role to play. every individual makes a difference"

Florence Nightingdale
"i think one's feelings waste themseleves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results"

Stephen Hawking
"if human life were long enough to find the ultimate theory, everything would have been solved by previous generations. nothing would be left to be discoverd"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Artist Textures

the materials and production methods of Sidney Nolan and Ricky Swallow are entirely different, you can almost say that they are both from different eras. Sidney nolan has a very traditional approarch to displaying his art, he uses paints and canvas to express his opinions and dismay. Ricky Swallow does not use such a traditional approarch but rather uses untraditional approarch to art and art making. Ricky Swallow is more concerned with the coming of age new materials and ways in which he can use these to manipulate his opinions and thoughts. i have chosen a smooth texture for for Sidney Nolan for the frame of the building as i believe that his work is perfectly finished and precise, but i chose a feather texture for Swallow has his work looks effortless and very light, he achieves this through the use of light colours. (whites, creams)

Week Three...

36 Textures

you tube

Tuesday, April 1, 2008